“Enrichment for a bright future!”
CALL US: (919) 365-3103
The Preschool (Click here to read more about The Preschool)
The mission of Wendell Baptist Preschool is to help preschoolers develop a basic Christian approach to living while helping them prepare for grade school. This is accomplished by providing an atmosphere where the preschoolers can grow in their abilities to: listen, follow simple directions, concentrate, share, understand feelings, use imagination and materials constructively, and persevere to complete a task. All of these are necessary skills for grade school and life in general.
The Staff (Click here to read more about The Staff)
Wendell Baptist Preschool is blessed to have one of the most gifted, compassionate and qualified staffs of any preschool in the triangle area. Each of our teachers care deeply for the student's in their class and begin each day praying for these children.
The Curriculum (Click here to read more about The Curriculum)
True Way Kids is a comprehensive curriculum plan for preschoolers which educates children using art, crafts, games, nature, toys, learning centers and group activities to illustrate Christian fundamentals.

Give us a call:
(919) 365-3103
What are others saying?
"Wendell Baptist Preschool prepared my children to put God first and do their best at school."