“Enrichment for a bright future!”
CALL US: (919) 365-3103
Below you will find some common questions and answers that are covered during our Open House. If you have any additional questions please don't hesitate to send us an email or give us a call.
Virtual Tour
What are your goals, both educational and social, for your age group?
18- Month-Olds:
Social Goals:
Playing along side classmates
Following directions
Verbal and receptive language development
Educational Goals:
Introductions of colors and shapes
Large and fine motor development
Sensory exploration
Social Goals:
Following directions
"Using our words" to express needs, wants, and feelings
Educational Goals:
Shape and color recognition
Early letter and number skills
Fine motor practice
Gross motor practice
Social Goals:
Kindness and friendship
Educational Goals:
Continued shape and color recognition
Early letter and number recognition
Name recognition and tracing
Days of the week, months of the year, and seasons
Bible Memory Verses
Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
Social Goals:
Work and play well with others
Self-help skills
Using kind words with friends
Using words to ask for help or for a turn
"Can you please help me with ____?"
"May I have a turn next?"
Educational Goals:
Kindergarten readiness skills such as:
scissor use
replacing the caps on the markers
Number and letter recognition
Recognize and identify numbers 1-10
Recognize and identify all the letters in their name plus 5-10 additional letters
Early sight words (Pre-K)
Give an example of a unit that is covered in class.
Fall Unit:
A is for Apple, apple tasting, apple colors, apple painting (sliced to make a circle), and sing apple songs. We also talk about leaves and the colors of fall. Pumpkins, color orange, "5 Little Pumpkins" song, pumpkin crafts, pumpkin decorating.
Letter N Unit:
Read books with letter N, make noodle necklaces, build a bird's nest, work on fine motor skills with a numbers color or paint activity. Bible story would be Noah and the Ark with a corresponding Bible Verse and craft.
Letter J Unit:
Bible story would be Jonah and the Whale with corresponding Bible Verse and craft. Included would be the color blue for the water. Also we discuss other things that begin with the letter J. We would have a special treat of Jelly Beans!
18- Month-Olds:
Color unit:
Paint red apples, explore by touch,
smell and taste a red apple, Color a
red robot with a red crayon.
Letter Q/Number 9 Unit:
Painting with Q-tips for fine motor skill practice, making a paper quilt on the letter Q or by using only 9 squares, books about queens, Bible story would be The Brave Queen Esther. We would also incorporate other Q crafts or centers.
Letter P Unit:
Pizza Party! Lots of pizza crafts and activities, identifying lowercase/uppercase P. Puppies in a center, pizza restaurant center, penguins. The Bible Story is Paul Writes a Letter to Timothy. We also have the children write letters to each other.
How do you handle discipline in the classroom?
I try to redirect then give a warning and if they repeat the behavior they will sit in time-out. After their short time-out I talk to the child and explain that the actions are not acceptable in a simple, easy to understand way (i.e.: "hitting hurts our friends", "chairs are for sitting", "we don't throw our toys, it could break them or hurt our friends.")
Redirection and distraction is the first form of discipline used and most of the timethats enough. If the behavior continues a child may be given 1 minute to sit away from the group and his/her peers before returning.
We use redirection and reminder of the rules first. If that approach isn't working we will separate the student from their peers to have some calm-down/thinking time. We discuss the expectations of the class and the need to apologize to our friend if needed.
First, we try to redirect or give another option. If the behavior continues we use an age-appropriate time-out. We encourage the children to use their words to talk to their friends to resolve a conflict.
General Preschool Information
Bathroom and Potty Training:
We do not require children to be potty training in the 2-year-old class. We prefer them to be potty trained in the 3s but understand that not every child is ready to train by this time. We will work with you and your child during the school day. For children that are trained, we ask frequently for anyone that needs to use the restroom. The teachers also have specific times to have all children try to use the bathroom (before playground, after snack, before carpool).
The preschool uses LetterLand as our primary letter and phonics curriculum. We also use TRUEWAY KIDS curriculum to incorporate Bible stories and units into the day. The teachers have the freedom to supplement for the needs of their classroom as they feel necessary.
What does my child need to bring each day?
We ask that the children bring a full-sized backpack with a change of clothes daily. We will provide a folder for their teacher to send home their daily activities and communication. We also ask that you send in a snack and a no-spill water bottle daily.
First Day of School:
Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024 for T/Th and PreK
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024 for M/W/F
Last Day of School:
Wednesday, May 21, 2025 for M/W/F
Thursday, May 22, 2025 for T/Th and PreK
What is PreK?
PreK is a popular option for the 4-year-olds. Students in the PreK class are able to expand and excel in the goals set for the 4s because they have an extended school day. This class meets Monday-Friday from 9:00-1:00. The students in the PreK class bring a lunch from home daily to also learn important lunch skills for Kindergarten. These skills include, opening juice pouches or water bottles, opening lunch items such as crackers, chips, sandwich baggies, or Lunchables, as well as learning to eat at the table with other friends within the time given for lunch.
Class Offerings and Prices
18- month-Olds:
(Must be 18 months by August 31, 2024 to enroll)
M/W/F - $210/month beginning Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
T/Th- $155/month beginning in Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
M-F- $300/month beginning Sept. 2024
$200 Registration Fee
(Must be 2 by August 31, 2024 to enroll)
M/W/F - $210/month beginning Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
T/Th- $155/month beginning in Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
M-F- $300/month beginning Sept. 2024
$200 Registration Fee
(Must be 3 by August 31, 2024 to enroll)
M/W/F- $210/month beginning Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
T/Th- $155/month beginning Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
M-F- $300/month beginning Sept. 2024
$200 Registration Fee
(Must be 4 by August 31, 2024 to enroll)
M/W/F- $210/month beginning Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
T/Th- $155/month beginning Sept. 2024
$150 Registration Fee
M-F- $300/month beginning Sept. 2024
$200 Registration Fee
5-day PreK*- $330/month beginning Sept. 2024
$200 Registration Fee
*This class meets 5 days a week from 9:00-1:00. The students bring a lunch from home daily.